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Sometimes things are ultra productive in the Luchadores League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen! Sometimes our superheroes working really hard in our laboratories and giving us the tools to keep you satisfied. So, this time, we’ve got two in one package! ENTHEOGEN ,the Luchador known also as “El Gringo Loco”, he's dedicated to fight crime and mafia gangs all over the desert and moreover from the unholy mountains of Dona Regina to the forgotten sea of Santa Prisca. He’s in love with Indian spicy chicken curry and sometimes take the chance for short trips to Kolkata while MACHO, the Slovak Luchador known also as “El Demonio Azul”, is one of the representatives in Europe, skillful dj, crime fighter and Tech-Funk maniac! Former banker and ultra thrilling party lover he’s always ready to fight villains all over Europe!