About Me

Basic Information

JDQ was born in Massachusetts in 1983, and has lived all over the country since then. His passion for music started at an early age: he got his first CD at 3 years old after hearing UB40's "Rat In The Kitchen" on the radio. He began playing the cello at age 5, which was his first musical instrument. At age 11, JDQ moved to Southern California, where he later attended high school. Around this time the ska and punk scenes of OC were in a "golden age", and JDQ soaked it all up. Bands such as Link 80, Jefferies Fan Club, The Hippos, and The Pharmaceutical Bandits would leave a permanent impression on JDQ's musical tastes and personality.

After high school, JDQ attended the University of Washington in Seattle, another move that would expose him to new people and new ideas about musical expression. For much of his adolescent life he had scorned electronic music, favoring more traditional instrumental music. But friends would expose him to drum and bass, jungle, and acid jazz, styles of music he had never heard before. After attending his first Diesel Boy show, he couldn't get enough of what he found to be pure sensory overload. All of a sudden it seemed to JDQ that every song ever written could be reinterpreted by remixing it. He began toying with very basic digital audio programs like FruityLoops and Hip Hop EJ. Quickly finding them to be restrictive and limited, he hungered for something better...

A close friend at the time introduced JDQ to the finer points of both digital and analog studio gear, and he soon purchased a copy of Propellerhead Reason 1.0. Though the new program afforded an open-ended platform for musical expression that the other programs had lacked, it would take time, patience, and maturity for JDQ to determine what was his style. Many years were spent meditating over and wrestling with Reason to figure out how to attain this desired end-result...

After almost 10 years working almost exclusively with Reason (and now Record), JDQ has come up with a unique mix of styles and genres that are distinctly his own. The listener will find the soul of roots reggae, the mourning loss of blues, the uplifting and redeeming spirit of gospel and r&b. And yes, every song is for dancing....enjoy!

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United States


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Just joined nubreaks....awesome site....check out some tunes at stoneavemusic.com/jdqmusic
14 years ago
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  • Wednesday, 08 December 2010 20:16
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  • 14 years ago
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