Ahhh Vestax
I got a Vestax PMC37PRO...
I absolutely love this mixer... sounds great, great sliders, warm sound and so on...
Got in trouble 2 times in 3 years, not good...
I know about electronics and I fixed it myself.. the thing is that when you open a vestax you say... WHAT?
There are about 15 boards and loads loads of wires around...
it is not built using modern engineering techniques...
You have to find a noice engineer passionate for these kind of toys and find the way to fix it... it is annoying... but the sound pays...
A fast thing to do is open it
(if it is possible powered... you cannot get shocked if the PSU is external, but put everything on a wood surface)
and with the record playing start to touch all the connectors, plugs you see in the mixer.
You'll get across the trouble you say.. sooner or later..
then you need a good quality solder, low power (25W) nd resold the contact that is loose...
Good Luck!